I had organized a Lower Yuba Techniques Clinic for members of the Gold Country Fly Fishers with the help of Frank Rinella and Mike Williams for this last Thursday. We had unsuccessfully attempted this two times earlier this year and either it was snowing or the river was raging. The river on Thursday really wasn't being very cooperative running at over 5,000 cfs but I was determined to do it anyway come hell or the proverbial high water. Sometimes you just want to get out and be on the river and you can teach many techniques on a table top with a nice view of the river in the background, better than doing it inside a building anyway.
I had put together a BBQ with hot links, polish dogs and brats, chips and salsa and the works for after the clinic. At least we would eat good amongst new and old friends. I think there's a lesson in that, for me anyway. There's just something about hanging around on the river whether you're fishing or camping, BBQing some dogs, having a few beers. Everyone just seems to let their hair down and the stories start flowing. It's this type of experience that counts, lest we forget.
We did some of the usual table top stuff like rigging, knots, checking out fly boxes, discussing patterns and such which is all good. I had a suggestion afterwards to provide some handouts for the knots we discussed. That's a good idea.
I also had a suggestion to take the time to let everyone introduce themselves properly at the beginning of the clinics. How did I miss that? Its really about the people anyway. I think next time I'll bring name tags. I know for me it takes me getting embarrassed two or three times not knowing someones name for them to sink in. This gets compounded when you have 15 to 20 people. I hope that this isn't just me.
So the biggest lesson from the clinic for me was not about teaching the knots, rigging and flies. Its more about getting to know everyone, do some teaching, and having fun out there. That's what's important!