Fly Fishing Traditions is proud to offer educational opportunities for learning about fishing "Tailwaters". The workshops or individual instruction will take place on the beautiful Lower Yuba River. The workshops or individual instruction will enable you to develop the skills necessary to chase tailwater trout all over the western states. You will learn the skills and tactics to stalk trout and steelhead.
As a workshop group or an individual student you will learn techniques such as how to dead drifting indicators, tight line nymphing, upstream dry fly, downstream dry fly, swinging soft hackles. These opportunities will give you crucial one on one time with the instructor. The course is designed for the intermediate to advanced students who want to advance their skills.
FFT also offers a full day "Floating Clinic" for one or two anglers.
What You Will Learn
The attendees will learn the distinct water types you will find on most tailwater streams. Each water type will be analyzed and the proper tactics will be discussed, demonstrated and taught. We will cover the tactics and techniques required to fish water types such as;
- Riffles
- Drop-offs at the bottom of riffles
- Slots and holes
- Runs
- Eddy Pools
- Tailouts
- Dropoffs after a Tailout
- Bank Water
- Redds and Buckets
You'll learn how to rigg up correctly for the various methods and tactics. You'll learn how to present the flies in a fishing situation and what flies to use at what time of year.
Table Top Classroom and Educational Handouts
The Tailwater Workshops will be structured with table top classroom discussions with educational handouts for each student to follow and take home as references for later. These tabletops will be followed with on the water sessions to practice and hone the skills necessary for you to fish a tailwater stream successfully.
The Tailwater Workshops will be structured with table top classroom discussions with educational handouts for each student to follow and take home as references for later. These tabletops will be followed with on the water sessions to practice and hone the skills necessary for you to fish a tailwater stream successfully.
FFT Tailwater Workshops Details
FFT offers three different full day Workshops. They are "Nymphing Techniques", "Downstream Presentations" and "Dry Fly Presentations". The Tailwater Workshops are offered to groups consisting of 6 -10 attendees. Get a group together and schedule your workshop. The cost of the workshop varies depending upon the number of attendees.
6 people - $100 each
7-8 people $ 90 each
9-10 people $ 70 each
Individual Instruction - $50 an hour
Nymphing Techniques Workshop
This workshop will focus on nymphing techniques that you can utilize of tailwaters and freestone stream anywhere you may travel.
We will teach you how to break down the river into it different water types and then match the correct strategies to fish them.
Techniques we will cover;
FFT offers three different full day Workshops. They are "Nymphing Techniques", "Downstream Presentations" and "Dry Fly Presentations". The Tailwater Workshops are offered to groups consisting of 6 -10 attendees. Get a group together and schedule your workshop. The cost of the workshop varies depending upon the number of attendees.
6 people - $100 each
7-8 people $ 90 each
9-10 people $ 70 each
Individual Instruction - $50 an hour
Nymphing Techniques Workshop
This workshop will focus on nymphing techniques that you can utilize of tailwaters and freestone stream anywhere you may travel.
We will teach you how to break down the river into it different water types and then match the correct strategies to fish them.
Techniques we will cover;
- Upstream Nymphing
- High Stick Nymphing
- Tight Line Nymphing
- Indicator Nymphing
- Euro Nymphing
- Mending
- Stack Mending
Cost $125 per Student.
Downstream Presentation Workshop
This workshop will focus on downstrean dry fly and emerger techniques that you can utilize of tailwaters and freestone stream anywhere you may travel. We will cover swinging soft hackles and streamers. We will cover swinging large flies with sink tips with single handed and two handed rods.
Techniques we will cover;
This workshop will focus on downstrean dry fly and emerger techniques that you can utilize of tailwaters and freestone stream anywhere you may travel. We will cover swinging soft hackles and streamers. We will cover swinging large flies with sink tips with single handed and two handed rods.
Techniques we will cover;
- Downstream Dry Fly Presentations
- Downstream Dry/Dropper presentations
- Swinging soft hackles
- Swinging streamers and bait fish patterns.
- Using a Switch of Spey Rod
Cost $125 per Student
Dry Fly Presentations Workshop
This workshop will focus on presenting dry flies. We will fine tune your casting stroke and show you how to present slack line presentations.
What we will cover.
This workshop will focus on presenting dry flies. We will fine tune your casting stroke and show you how to present slack line presentations.
What we will cover.
- Streamside Entomology
- The "5 Essentials" of a good cast
- Slack line presentations
- Casting the Clock
- Fly Selection
- Stalking Fish
- Where the heck the fish are!
Floating Clinic
The floating clinic will take you down the Lower Yuba River with a friend and you will learn how to fish from a drift boat. This floating clinic will focus on what you want to learn and will be crafted to meet your expectations and your experience level. This is for a pair of anglers and will be a full day on the river.
Cost $425 for two anglers and includes lunches, snacks and beverages
Sign Me Up For The Floating Clinic
The floating clinic will take you down the Lower Yuba River with a friend and you will learn how to fish from a drift boat. This floating clinic will focus on what you want to learn and will be crafted to meet your expectations and your experience level. This is for a pair of anglers and will be a full day on the river.
Cost $425 for two anglers and includes lunches, snacks and beverages
Sign Me Up For The Floating Clinic
- Rods, Reels and Lines provided upon request.
- Each day will include a streamside lunch, snacks and beverages.
- FFT Published Booklets are included.
- The Switch Rod School will be structured with one instructor for each 2 students.
Sign Up for any of the Tailwater Workshops
Sign up for the Tailwater School by;
(a) Call Clay at 530-913-1334 to ask any questions or to reserve a space.
(b) Mail Clay at; Fly Fishing Traditions - 13572 Green Lane - Grass Valley, CA 95945
(c) Email Clay at I'd Like Information Regarding the Tailwater Schools
Make a note of what information you would like.
Make a note of what information you would like.
Thanks, Clay